General Plan Update

City’s General Plan Update Has Been Adopted

 After nearly two years of receiving valuable and meaningful input from community participants, the City Council adopted PlanRC, the City’s General Plan update on December 15, 2021. Attendees at that public hearing shared testimony and the Council confirmed, that the plan articulates the community’s aspirations for excellence. 

This City now has a comprehensive community-based plan to serve as a blueprint for the next 20 years. Getting to this point was an incredible amount of hard work that took focus and dedication, during a pandemic, nonetheless. The effort put forward, and the innovation that was employed by consultants, staff, and community participants working across many disciplines and pushing through new challenges was nothing short of inspirational.

The General Plan lays out a series of strategies to chart a path towards building a 21st century world-class community that is grounded in the foundational core values of health, equity, and stewardship. The intent of the Plan is to enhance our City with a wide variety of housing, recreation, arts and culture, entertainment, and employment opportunities that are well-connected and accessible to everyone and to preserve the character, history, and quality of life that continue to make Rancho Cucamonga a special place to live.

As a city rich in its mix of ethnicities, cultures and identities, the engagement for PlanRC worked to provide consistent equitable and inclusive community engagement practices throughout the process. We would like to acknowledge and thank the many members of our community who gave their time to share invaluable information, insights, and input throughout the PlanRC process. Whether you responded to an online survey, joined a virtual meeting, or visited with the team at a pop-up event, your participation was essential to the development of the plan. We invite you to stay connected throughout the implementation process.


Development Code Public Review

The Rancho Cucamonga Development Code (Title 17 of the Municipal Code) is available for public review. The Development Code was adopted on May 15, 2022. While the General Plan is the policy document that provides an overall vision, policy direction, and implementation strategy to support future development in Rancho Cucamonga, the Development Code implements General Plan policies through detailed development regulations, such as specific use types and building standards.

Development Code - Public Review Draft

Zoning Map - Public Review Draft