Building & Safety

Welcome to the Building and Safety Department's homepage. All permits are applied for online. 

To apply for a permit, please visit the Online Permit Center which can be found under the Services tab.

Below you can find information regarding the permit application process, handouts, and our "How-To" videos on our YouTube channel.

If you have any inquiries, please refer to our contact information provided below.

For permit issuance on Solar, Reroofs, and Patio covers, email

For permit issuance on all other permits and technical permit questions, email

For quick questions on permits and other inquiries related to Building and Safety, text (909)488-4668.

For questions regarding inspections or inspection time frames,

text (909)303-1786 or call (909)477-2710 7:30 am to 6:00 pm.

Operating hours for in-person City hall visits are from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Thursday.

*Please note we do not issue permits over the counter, and our process is done 100% online.