Drought and Water Conservation

The State of California is currently experiencing historic drought conditions, resulting in emergency water regulations and conservation measures imposed by the Governor and water regulatory agencies.  

The City of Rancho Cucamonga is committed to water conservation to ensure a continuing supply of potable water for our community. As part of the City’s water conservation efforts, and in compliance with State mandates, at the June 15, 2022 City Council meeting, City Council approved discontinuing irrigation of “non-functional” turf (turf that is considered decorative), within the City’s parkways in Landscape Maintenance Districts 2, 4R, 6, and 7 and the purchase of smart irrigation controllers for better control and monitoring of water use by the City.

For more information on how the City continues to follow the state mandate, click here.

For more information on how the State of California is addressing water regulations and the ongoing drought, visit As Western Drought Worsens, Governor Newsom Moves to Bolster Regional Conservation Efforts