Epicenter Master Plan - Adopted December 2023

The General Plan envisions the Epicenter Master Plan Area as a fun, active district which serves as a destination for recreation, entertainment, and gathering. The General Plan states: “Opportunities for intensification around the Cucamonga Station and Epicenter Sports Complex present the high potential for Central South (Community Planning Area) to evolve into a significant, transit-oriented, mixed-use urban center and regional employment hub" (General Plan, page 25). 

This Plan is intended to implement that vision, ensuring that each new development, whether in the near term or further in the future, contributes to that long-term goal. While the Plan Area takes its name and much of its identity from the Epicenter Sports Complex, the Epicenter Master Plan Area (or Plan Area) includes all the Cityowned land within the 56-acre Plan Area boundary included on maps throughout this document (see page 6).

Epicenter Master Plan Cover